Sponda, a bold stand out from the traditional real estate industry

Sponda brand identity by BOND


A bold stand out from the traditional real estate industry

Sponda is the leading real estate asset management company in Finland, and part of the Blackstone Group, the world’s largest private equity firm. After a decade since the last brand reform, it was time to update it to match their current strategy and values.

Joint brand strategy work, based on Sponda’s renewed business strategy, provided clear guidelines for the new identity work: the cornerstones were found to be high quality, excellent service level, sustainability and the goal of market leadership. The main aim for the reform was to raise the image of Sponda’s premium quality, and also to highlight tenants. These two KPI’s turned into brand purpose — Space to Shine — first-class facilities where the tenant’s business has all the prerequisites to flourish.

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Brand strategy

Brand identity

Visual identity

Logo design



Graphic design

Brand narrative


Real estate

Communicating the wide offering with clear iconography.

The icons were crafted to fit with the visual language of the brand; robust, solid and bold. They also had to be direct and clear in communicating the wide variety of services provided by Sponda

Sponda brand identity by BOND
Most importantly, the brand is built on genuine things and we can proudly stand behind it.

Anita Riikonen

Marketing and Brand Manager

Standing out from the competition.

This splendour, first-class quality was translated into a valuable, even a bit daring, distinctive look that clearly distinguishes Sponda from its competitors. A little bit of spunk to a conservative industry where brand identities are dominated by traditional corporate colors and rather unimaginative imagery to avoid risk in every way.

Sponda brand identity by BOND

Elegant edge.

The logo was intended to describe the quality and durability of Sponda's work. The classic color scheme and typography are intended to express Sponda's high-level know-how and expertise. Petrol green effect color brings spunk to the black and white identity.

Sponda brand identity by BOND
Sponda brand identity by BOND
