Siili - Making IT Real


Making IT Real

The technology powerhouse Siili was in need of a full re-imagination of their brand to reflect a sharper, more international attitude, while not letting go of their no-nonsense, hands-on and human driven approach. 

In addition to putting the new growth strategy in practice within the brand, it was as important to engage with the existing and potential new employees, and create a brand architecture strategy to concretise their portfolio strategy consisting of various new business and sub brands.

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Siili Solutions



Brand strategy

Brand identity

Brand architecture

Motion graphics

Logo design

UI & UX design

Web development

Verbal identity & Copywriting


Illustration concept


ADCE Awards, Silver, 2021

Best of Finnish Advertising and Design, Silver Award, 2020



Friendly but sharp.

As with the mascot animal, the identity can change form depending on its surroundings. Friendly but sharp. That’s the visual attitude. The Spikes are a versatile and undeniably useful graphical element that can be used in endless ways. As the hero element or as a supporting role, they make the company communications extremely recognizable and inherently Siili. Its spikes became the foundation for a new, versatile and playful design language. We build an AI powered tool for anyone to add spikes to anything, resulting in endless but consistent content for the new brand. The Spikes can act as a pattern, animated or still. Or also as an illustrative element in photography. Even inspire charts and infographics.

One symbol. Personality of 700 individuals.

Siili, meaning literally a hedgehog in Finnish, is in a way the perfect incarnation of the company. While most people think of a hedgehog as a cute and laid back little critter, we saw its sharpness, resourcefulness and the fact that it has literally conquered the world. The brandmark celebrates this quirky part of the company nature, with a sleek and minimalist impression of the mascot animal. The spikes reflect the company’s points of view, and the professional sharpness. One spike does not make a Hedgehog. It’s the symphony of all the visual elements playing together that gives the identity life. It was crucial that every employee would take ownership of the new identity actively. But how do you make one symbol that captures the personality of 700 individuals? Well, you don’t! You make 700 symbols with a custom AI powered logo tool.

“Many have said that today, Siili looks more like itself than before. The identity has helped us implement our new strategy, which is the greatest achievement we could have hoped for.”


Antti Kiukas

CMO, Siili

Siili Solutions